Newcastle and Hunter Solar makes perfect sense!

Solar energy is energy which is created from sunlight, or heat from the sun.

Whenever the sun shines (and even in overcast weather) the solar cells generate electricity.

While the technology behind solar energy may seem complex, when broken down, how solar power works is easy to understand – particularly in a grid connect scenario as it only requires a few components installed in your home.

  • Solar Panels: Capturing the energy
  • Inverter: converting DC to AC
  • Meter Unit: diverting power to home to grid
  • Options include: Batteries/Diversion/Monitoring
Green Volt your Solar Superhero

Sunshine = Solar

The sun shines on the solar panels generating DC (Direct Current) electricity

Coverting DC to AC Electricity

The DC electricity is fed into a solar inverter that converts it to 240V 50Hz AC electricity

Powering the premise

The 240V AC electricity is used to power appliances in your premises.

Surplus Solar

Surplus electricity not being used is fed back into the main grid.

Credit for your solar

Electricity companies will meter the electricity you feed into the grid and provide you a credit for it.

No Sunlight

When the solar system is not producing power (like at night) your power is supplied by mains power (unless you have a battery system)

Green Volt Solar Services



• Free Site Inspections
• Shading Analysis
• Reliable Expert Advices
• Detailed Reporting


• Panel Installation
• Repairs and Maintenance
• Meter Box Upgrades
• Fully Accredited

Storage Solutions

• Batteries

• Residential

• Commercial

• Off-Grid

Newcastle and Hunter - Solar and Battery

If you’ve searched for ‘solar near me’ then you’re not alone. More and more Newcastle and Hunter households and businesses are making the switch to solar PV systems and energy-saving battery options. Electricity prices continue to rise and solar power and battery options becomes very affordable, it’s a great good time to go solar.

Installing a solar system to your home or business is a sound investment, it reduces your electricity bills and adds value to your property!

Once you’ve made the choice to go solar, you’ll be delighted at how simple the process is.

GreenVolt custom design your Solar system and provide you with a no-obligation quote. Speak to someone face-to-face who will explain the process and pricing in plain English, we will come to your home and business and do just that – no charge – no obligation!

Get an obligation free solar quote today.